
Leading-Edge Conference on Water and Wastewater Treatment Technologies

Mar, 01/06/2004 / Vie, 04/06/2004

International Water Association (IWA)

Ultrapure Water Europe Technical Conference

Mar, 11/11/2003 / Mié, 12/11/2003

Congreso "Agua y Educación Ambiental". Nuevas propuestas para la acción

Mié, 26/11/2003 / Sáb, 29/11/2003

Centro Educativo del Medio Ambiente CEMACAM Torre Guil. Caja de Ahorros del Mediterráneo

Risk and Reward in Asset Management Delivery; who is best prepared for the challenges ahead?

Vie, 14/11/2003 / Vie, 14/11/2003

Institution of Civil Engineers; CIWEM

Aquatech Amsterdam 2004 Storefront

Mar, 28/09/2004 / Vie, 01/10/2004

Amsterdam RAI (Aquatech Project Team)

Nutrient management: European Experiences and perspectives; (Tendrá lugar durante Aquatech Amsterdam)

Mar, 28/09/2004 / Vie, 01/10/2004

Amsterdam RAI (Aquatech Project Team)

Water Environment-Membrane Technology (WEMT)2004

Lun, 07/06/2004 / Jue, 10/06/2004

International Water Association; Seoul National University

The International Environmental Modelling and Software Society Conference : Complexity and Integrated Resources Management

Lun, 14/06/2004 / Jue, 17/06/2004

International Environmental Modelling and Software Society; Harmoni-CA (Concerted Action on Harmonizing Modelling Tools for River Basin Management); German Environmental Foundation; Institute of Environmental Systems Research, University of Osnabrück

International Conference on Wastewater Treatment for Nutrient Removal and Reuse

Lun, 26/01/2004 / Jue, 29/01/2004

Asian Institute of Technology

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