Calidad del agua

Water Quality: Processes and Policy

Stephen T. Trudgill (Editor); Des E. Walling (Editor); Bruce W. Webb (Editor)

Editorial: Hardcover

Idioma: Inglés

Edición: 1999

ISBN: 0-471-98547-3

Global water issues are likely to be as important in the forseeable future as the oil crisis was in the 1970s. There is an urgent need for management to be apprised of scientific work and of the uncertainties that are associated with it, and for scientists to be able to transmit their work to management in a comprehensible way. This book explores the management of water quality in urban, rural and coastal environments. It brings together science and policy making in a timely and relevant way. As such, this book will appeal to professionals working within the water industry and also to academic institutions which have an interest in the issues relating to water quality

Teconlogía del agua embotellada

Senior Dorothy A.G.(ED.);Ashurt Philip R.(ED.)

Editorial: Editorial Acribia

Idioma: Español

Edición: 2001

ISBN: 8420009431

El presente trabajo proporciona una buena base en todos los aspectos importantes de la produccion del agua embotellada. Es un libro de interes para todos aquellos que trabajan en los sectores relacionados con la industria del embotellado del agua: ingenieros, tecnologos, asi como comerciantes, personal de marketing, suministradores de equipos, envases, etc. El libro empieza con una revision de los mercados del agua embotellada y la descripcion detallada de las diferentes categorias de aguas embotelladas disponibles. Continua luego con el tema de la hidrogeologia y los tratamientos que pueden realizarse en el procesado del agua; los metodos, materiales y equipamiento utilizados en el embotellado; el aseguramiento de la calidad, y las auditorias por terceras partes. Hay un capitulo sobre las maquinas dispensadoras de agua en oficinas, fabricas y hogares. Y para terminar, hay dos capitulos dedicados a la microbiologia: uno sobre las aguas sin tratar procedentes de manantiales subterraneos, y otro, acerca de las aguas tratadas.

Quality Assurance for Water Analysis

Philippe Quevauviller

Editorial: Hardcover

Idioma: Inglés

Edición: 2002

ISBN: 0-471-89962-3

Quality assurance (QA) has become an increasingly important topic, as environmental monitoring bodies realize that accuracy of measurements can depend very much on how the measurement is taken. This book will describe methods in light of all of the European, US, and international (ISO) guidelines for QA of water analysis.

Integrated Governance and Water Basin Management

Kuks, Stefan; Bressers, Hans

Editorial: Kluver Academic Pub. Group

Idioma: Inglés

Edición: 2004

ISBN: 1402024819

All over the world countries struggle with water stress. Problems vary from water scarcity and a degrading water quality, to floods and a rising sea level due to climate change. The European Union adopted a Water Framework Directive to improve the sustainability of water management in its member states. Water management should be coordinated at the level of river basins as a whole. Interests of various user groups should be better represented. River basin visions should take into account the impact of all human activities on the status of the resource. Water legislation needs streamlining and more focus on its implementation. The European Union advocates regulating water prices by charging the costs of water services on the basis of full cost recovery and the polluter pays principle. This book examines water management integration in the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Spain, Italy and Switzerland. It is based on the European research project EUWARENESS. Per country two case studies are considered, to analyze specific regime transitions at water basin level during the last decades. The twelve case studies are discussed within their national context and compared on conditions that are important for regime change towards sustainability. The book also provides theory on water governance, institutional regimes, and property rights, resulting in a tool for monitoring the progress of integrated water management at the basin level in EU member states or other countries. This book follows another volume published with Kluwer Academic Publishers on "The Evolution of National Water Regimes in Europe", edited by Ingrid Kissling-Näf and Stefan Kuks.

Estudio sanitario del agua

Pérez López, J.; Espigares García, M.

Editorial: Univiversidad de Granada

Idioma: Español

Edición: 1999

ISBN: 84-338-2529-1

El texto reúne 20 capítulos sobre la importancia del agua en la salud pública, la epidemiología de los problemas que genera, las fuentes de recursos, la contaminación, las normas de calidad, el tratamiento y depuración del agua, los servicios de abastecimiento, la eliminación y depuración de aguas saladas y, por último, se incluyen una serie de problemas prácticos.

Hydrology: Water Quantity and Quality Control, 2nd Edition

Martin P. Wanielista;Robert Kersten;Ron Eaglin

Editorial: Hardcover

Idioma: Inglés

Edición: 1996

ISBN: 0-471-07259-1

This edition of its popular predecessor has been significantly revised to increase flexibility in the presentation and maintain greater continuity of the material. Combining both theory and practical applications of empirical equations the text contains expanded treatment of water quantity and quality control, a detailed presentation of basic principles and use in analysis and design, hydrograph topics including synthetic and convolution techniques, practical and realistic case studies relating to design problems, and additional end-of-chapter problems. It provides new computer programs to explain complex concepts and solve large data-based problems. An additional appendix offers suggestions for classroom or lab problems.
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