gestión del agua

Water Stress in Europe: Can the challenge be met? - Environmental Information Brochure

European Environment Agency (Agencia Europea del Medio Ambiente)

Water stress - Environment in EU at the turn of the century (Chapter 3.5)

European Environment Agency (Agencia Europea del Medio Ambiente)

The EEA and its role in encouraging better water management

European Environment Agency (Agencia Europea del Medio Ambiente)

The Management of Freshwater - Europe's Environment: The Dobris Assessment (Chapter 33)

European Environment Agency (Agencia Europea del Medio Ambiente)

Project of the National Hydrological Plan

Ministerio de Medio Ambiente

Urban Water Management,, 4º Ed

Mon, 02/05/2011 / Sun, 03/07/2011

Canal de Isabel II; Fundación CEDDET; Instituto Español de Comercio Exterior (ICEX)

UNESCO-IHE Regular Short Course: World History of Water Management

Mon, 12/09/2011 / Fri, 16/09/2011

Instituto UNESCO-IHE para la Educación relativa al Agua

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