Contaminación del agua

12th Cannes Water Symposium

Wed, 30/06/2010 / Fri, 02/07/2010

Réseau Méditerranéen UNITWIN

The Fourth International Conference on “Healthy Water in the Arab World” 2010

Mon, 28/06/2010 / Tue, 29/06/2010

Arab Healthy Water Association

IASWS 2011: 12th International Symposium on the Interactions between Sediments and Water

Sun, 19/06/2011 / Thu, 23/06/2011

The International Association for Sediment Water Science (IASWS)

Urban Groundwater Use. Policy Issues in a Thirsty World

Mon, 22/03/2010 / Mon, 22/03/2010

Instituto del Agua (Universidad de Barcelona)

World Water Day

Mon, 22/03/2010 / Mon, 22/03/2010

PNUMA (Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente);

Impact of Global Warming on Water Resources in the Middle East and North Africa

Mon, 20/09/2010 / Tue, 21/09/2010

Universidad Americana de Líbano

Integrated Water Resources Management and Challenges of the Sustainable Development

Wed, 24/03/2010 / Fri, 26/03/2010

Comité Marroquí de la Asociación Internacional de Hidrogeólogos

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