Gestión del agua

Urban Water Management Course (ed. num. 2)

Mon, 28/09/2009 /

El Canal de Isabel II de España (CYII) y la Fundación Centro de Educación a Distancia para el Desarrollo Económico y Tecnológico (CEDDET)

WWW-YES 2009: 8th World Wide Workshop for Young Environmental Scientists - Urban water: resources and risks, a developing countries perspective

Tue, 02/06/2009 / Fri, 05/06/2009

CEREVE, Paris-Est University, UFMG and H2o foundation y con apoyo financiero de Val-de-Marne County

Integrated Water Resources Management in Arid and Semi-Arid Regions

Tue, 10/02/2009 / Fri, 13/02/2009

European Desalination Society (EDS)

Water and Energy Exchange (WEX) 2009

Wed, 28/01/2009 / Thu, 29/01/2009

United Utilities International

Masters in Economy and Regulation of the Public Services

Mon, 19/01/2009 / Wed, 01/07/2009

Universidad de Barcelona

Course in Treatment and Integral Management Of the Water

Sun, 15/02/2009 /

Colegio de Ingenieros Técnicos Forestales

Technician in Integral Management of The Water

Sun, 15/02/2009 /

Colegio de Ingenieros Técnicos Forestales

Masters in Management, Water treatment and Purification

Sun, 15/02/2009 /

Colegio de Ingenieros Técnicos Forestales

UNESCO-IHE Regular Short Course: Negotiation and Mediation for Water Conflict Management

Thu, 09/04/2009 / Fri, 24/04/2009

Programa de la UNESCO "Del posible conflicto a la Cooperación Potencial (PCCP) y el Instituto UNESCO-IHE para la Educación relativa al Agua

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