Gestión del agua

Registered in December rains improve the water situation in the basin

Tue, 14/01/2014 (Confederación Hidrográfica del Guadalquivir)

The CHS concludes dredging and cleaning the Canal of the Field Cartagena

Fri, 10/01/2014 (Confederación Hidrográfica del Segura)

The Spanish Water reserves are 70.2% of total capacity

Thu, 09/01/2014 (Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente)

The CHG 2013 BICES payable to the 77 municipalities affected by the dams managed by the River Basin

Wed, 08/01/2014 (Confederación Hidrográfica del Guadalquivir)

The Spanish Water reserves are 66.7% of total capacity

Thu, 02/01/2014 (Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente)

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