Siguenos en:
Jue, 13/10/2005
Mié, 17/11/2004
Lun, 15/11/2010 / Mar, 16/11/2010
Vie, 18/06/2010 / Sáb, 19/06/2010
The Spanish Presidency of the European Union
Mar, 06/07/2010 / Vie, 09/07/2010
Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
Mié, 23/03/2011 / Vie, 25/03/2011
The SCENES project and particularly the Hungarian partners RISSAC and BUTE DSEE
Jue, 20/01/2011 / Vie, 21/01/2011
Jue, 29/04/2010 / Vie, 30/04/2010
London Business Conferences
Jue, 04/11/2010 / Vie, 05/11/2010
Arab Forum for Environment and Development (AFED)
Mar, 13/02/2007 / Mar, 13/02/2007
Institute for International Research