
Utility Managment 2011

Tue, 08/02/2011 / Fri, 11/02/2011

American Water Works Association

Agriculture, Water and Energy

Wed, 11/05/2011 / Thu, 12/05/2011

Adecagua (Asociación para la Defensa de la Calidad de las Aguas)

Water and Sewer Systems Modelling Conference

Wed, 30/03/2011 / Thu, 31/03/2011

MWH Soft

Day of Conclusions. Volunteer in Rivers of the Ministry of Environment and Rural and Marine

Wed, 27/10/2010 / Wed, 27/10/2010

ACA (Asociación de Ciencias Ambientales)

Aqua'10. VII Conference on Environmental Management

Wed, 27/10/2010 / Thu, 28/10/2010

Global Meeting, Departamento de Medio Ambiente, Planificación Territorial, Agricultura y Pesca del Gobierno Vasco.

Prsentation of Iber: 2D calculation model in rivers and estuaries

Thu, 10/06/2010 / Thu, 10/06/2010

CEDEX (Centro de Estudios y Experimentación de Obras Públicas)

The 11th meeting of the Working Group on Monitoring and Assessment (6-7 July 2010) and the fifth meeting of the Working Group on Integrated Water Resources Management (7-9 July 2010) under the Water Convention

Tue, 06/07/2010 / Fri, 09/07/2010

Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe

SCENES Final Conference in Budapest

Wed, 23/03/2011 / Fri, 25/03/2011

The SCENES project and particularly the Hungarian partners RISSAC and BUTE DSEE

15th African Water Association Congress

Mon, 15/03/2010 / Thu, 18/03/2010

Asociación Africana del Agua

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