
The 3rd Yangtze Forum: Sub-forum on Climate Change and City Water Safety

Mon, 20/04/2009 / Tue, 21/04/2009

Shanghai Municipal Government

Water Reuse for the optimization of water resources

Tue, 12/02/2008 / Thu, 14/02/2008

IQPC España

Workshop on Industrial Water Conservation and Reuse.

Tue, 05/12/2006 / Wed, 06/12/2006

Asociación de Arabia Saudita para el Medio Ambiente Acuático (SAWEA)

Science Symposium: Sources, Transport, and Fate of Nutrients in the Mississippi and Atchafalaya River Basins

Tue, 07/11/2006 / Thu, 09/11/2006

Grupo de Trabajo sobre Nutrientes del Río Mississippi/Cuenca del Golfo de México, Estados Unidos

5th Earthwatch Conference on Water 2006

Tue, 19/09/2006 / Thu, 21/09/2006

Instituto Earthwatch, Nigeria

Sewage plant design,construction and exploitation

Tue, 26/09/2006 / Wed, 27/09/2006

Institute for International Research

5th IWHA Conference ‘Pasts and Futures of Water’

Wed, 13/06/2007 / Sun, 17/06/2007

Asociación Internacional de Historia del Agua (IWHA); Departamento de Historia de la Universidad de Tampere, Finlandia; Instituto de Ingeniería Ambiental y Biotecnología (IEEB) de la Universidad Tecnológica de Tampere (TUT), Finlandia.

32nd WEDC International Conference on Sustainable Development of Water Resources, Water Supply and Environmental Sanitation

Mon, 13/11/2006 / Fri, 17/11/2006

Centro del Agua, la Ingeniería y el Desarrollo (WEDC), Reino Unido

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