Workshop on Industrial Water Conservation and Reuse.

Workshop on Industrial Water Conservation and Reuse.

Asociación de Arabia Saudita para el Medio Ambiente Acuático (SAWEA)

Tue, 05/12/2006 / Wed, 06/12/2006

SAWEA is holding a two day workshop and exhibition on ‘What Can Industry Do to Conserve Water?’. The programme includes the following topics:
• water conservation in Saudi Arabia
• future of Saudi Arabian water aquifers
• Saudi Aramco (Saudi Arabian Oil Company) wastewater conservation and reuse
• industrial wastewater reuse technologies
• sanitary wastewater reuse technologies
• industrial wastewater conservation and reuse presentations.

Asociación de Arabia Saudita para el Medio Ambiente Acuático (SAWEA)
( Al-Khobar, Arabia Saudí)
Mahmoud Al-Moaikel