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Electronic supplements
Electronic supplements with sources of information on Internet about themes of special interest, made by Hispagua
- Irrigable management and technology (January 2006)
- Wetlands (February 2006)
- The great preys of Spain (March 2006)
- Desalination (April 2006)
- Water pollution (June 2006)
- Desertification (July 2006)
- Water saving (August 2006)
- Water supply for developing countries (October 2006)
- Water supply in Spain (January 2007)
- Diseases related to the water (February 2007)
- State of the dams in the Hydrographic Confederations (March 2007)
- Groundwaters (April 2007)
- Hydraulic energy (June 2007)
- Water and education (July 2007)
- NGO´s and projects on water (August 2007)
- Bridges Collapse (September 2007)
- Disasters related to the water (October 2007)