Reed Expositions France

Tue, 30/11/2004 / Fri, 03/12/2004

> Water:
Treatment of industrial water, rain water, effluent, sludge / depolluting / pure water, filtration, pumps, taps / hydraulics / processes / surface treatment / networks, remote management, electronic surveillance / equipment, products, studies, engineering, metrology…

> Air:
Gases and smoke treatment, air pollution / odor control / respiratory protection / studies / metrology...

> Noise:
Noise nuisance abatement / personal protection from noise / studies / metrology...

> Waste:
Collection and transportation / sorting /processing of ordinary and special industrial waste / further use / cleaning / studies / metrology...

> Recycling:
Equipment / services...

> Cleaning:
Services, products, machines, small items and accessories, hygiene, safety...

> Sites and soils

> Coastal protection:
Management of water quality, the development of sea fronts, waste management, protection and safety, cleaning beaches, and much more.

> Clean technologies

> Energy:

Production equipment / co-generation / renewable energy / storage / isolation / heat recovery / thermic, mechanical and electrical energy applications / metrology...

> Multi-activities:
Certification / communication / consultancy, auditing / information / training / education / engineering / insurance, finance, banking...

> Institutions:
Local authorities, ministries, etc.

> Risks and risk management:
Products or services to identify/ assess and manage risks. Industrial, natural and geo-technical risks.

Reed Expositions France