Conference on Water Pollution in Natural Porous Media (WAPO2).

Conference on Water Pollution in Natural Porous Media (WAPO2).

Geológico y Minero de España (IGME); Universidad de Málaga, España; Universidad de Politécnica de Cataluña, España; Programa Hidrológico Internacional de la UNESCO (PHI)

Wed, 11/04/2007 / Fri, 13/04/2007

This conference aims to bring together scientists, students, policy makers and managers concerned with problems of groundwater contamination in porous media. It will provide a forum for the exchange of new findings and ideas in this field and for the discussion of better ways of managing our groundwater resources.
The conference will also provide a contribution to the implementation of the Groundwater Component of the IHP VI 2002-2007 Programme on Water Interaction Systems at Risks and Social Challenges.

Geológico y Minero de España (IGME); Universidad de Málaga, España; Universidad de Politécnica de Cataluña, España; Programa Hidrológico Internacional de la UNESCO (PHI)
(Barcelona, España)
Conference Secretariat