I International Irrigation Congress

I International Irrigation Congress

Tribuna del Agua, EXPO ZARAGOZA, AFRE, FENACORE, Ministerio de Medioambiente y Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación

Wed, 18/06/2008 / Fri, 20/06/2008

Water has turned to be the most valued resource in our Planet due to the spectacular increase of its demand and the climatic change. This is the reason why, today, irrigation, responsible for 69% of fresh water consumption, is facing up to the most difficult challenge it has been confronted with: to produce more and better quality food using less quantity of water. The First International Conference “Management, technologies and irrigation good practices” will take place 18, 19 and 20 June 2008 with water and energy saving challenge in the unique frame of the EXPO ZARAGOZA 2008 during the first thematic week devoted to Water and Land: Territorial Management and Farming. The Conference will be a meeting point for scientists, managers, technicians, politicians, businessmen, water users and professionals from all over the world to facilitate ideas, initiatives and technology exchanges to move forward a more sustainable everyday management of the irrigated land in the various world regions. The conference is organized by Spanish Irrigation Manufacturers Association (AFRE), National Federation of Irrigator Communities (FENACORE), EXPO ZARAGOZA 2008, Spanish Ministry of Environment and Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food with the special contribution of many international entities linked to the irrigation. With no doubt, the second green revolution humanity will have to confront has to be a blue revolution.

Tribuna del Agua, EXPO ZARAGOZA, AFRE, FENACORE, Ministerio de Medioambiente y Ministerio de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentación
(Zaragoza, Zaragoza, España)

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