The Final International IWRM-NET Event

The Final International IWRM-NET Event

IWRM Project

Wed, 13/10/2010 / Thu, 14/10/2010

Over the last four years IWRM-net has built an international network of water and research policy makers and managers working together to develop a trans-European water research agenda and science to policy interfaces.

This event will celebrate the work we've done so far, and explore opportunities for future co-operation.

Research projects, science policy interfacing activities

IWRM-Net is an European Research Area-Network (ERA-Net) project. Over the past three years we have created a network among many of the water resource management research programmes developed by Member States. Our network has been acting on several fronts to promote IWRM research and the transfer of that research into practice.

One key IWRM-NET aim was to facilitate new trans-national and trans- regional research programmes in the field of integrated water resource management, to enable policy makers to implement the WFD on the basis of practical scientific results. We have four trans-national research projects almost complete and several more just starting up.

Another aim was for the network to act as an interface between different stakeholders in water management and related research. We are part of the recently approved Common Implementation Strategy (CIS) Science Policy Interface (SPI) activity.

The 17 partners originally in the network have become 20 and we hope this will expand further in the future, bringing together more IWRM related research programme managers throughout Europe.

The Final IWRM-NET International Event

This Final IWRM-NET open Event is another stone in a process of building international co-operation in research activities in the field of integrated water resource management (IWRM), particularly across Europe. There will be three main themes - developing the European IWRM research agenda, the science policy interface and future plans for co-operation

IWRM Project
(Bruselas, Bélgica) ;