VI International Symposium: Water Engineering and Management in a Changing Environment

European Water Resources Association (EWRA) and the University of Catania, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Wed, 29/06/2011 / Sat, 02/07/2011

The objective of the 6th International Symposium of the European Water Resources Association is to provide an open forum for analyzing the main challenges for an effective water resources management, also able to adapt to climate change impacts.

Particular emphasis will be devoted to the developments in the application of EU policies on water resources management (i.e. Water Framework Directive 2000/60, Floods Directive 2007/60 and Water Scarcity and Droughts Strategy), as well as to the latest advancements in water engineering all over the world.

Abstracts could be proposed in all the sections of the Symposium. The first section will include papers referring to the implementation of EU Directives in the European member states. The second section will accept conventional academic papers and the third section will be more applied and practical. Submission of abstract: 15 February 2011.

European Water Resources Association (EWRA) and the University of Catania, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
(Catania, Italia)

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