12th Working Group European Cooperation with third countries in the water sector

Fri, 01/07/2011 / Fri, 01/07/2011

The 12th Working Group “European Cooperation with third countries in the water sector” thta will take place on the 1st July at EC/DEVCO (rue de la Loi 41, Brussels) - room 7/23.

As draft agenda we propose the following :

9h30 – 10h :Welcome – Opening session
10h – 11h :European Union Water Initiative : presentation of the ongoing process to define a new strategy and frame work
11h – 11h30:Presentation of the document from the Hungarian Presidency of the Concil of the European Union : “The Role of Water in the EU Development Policy”
11h30 – 13h: Plenary discussions – preparation of the working group
13h – 14h30: Lunch break
14h30 – 17h:Working group discussions
17h – 18h:Plenary discussions - Wrap up – next steps

(Bruselas, Bélgica)

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