First International Conference on Environmental Challenges in Arid Regions

First International Conference on Environmental Challenges in Arid Regions

King Abdulaziz University

Mon, 06/02/2012 / Wed, 08/02/2012

The Center of Excellence in Environmental Studies (CEES) is a research body established at King Abdul-Aziz University through the support of the Ministry of Higher Education in Saudi Arabia. CEES objectives are oriented toward undertaking innovative research in the environmental fields of Air Pollution, Water Pollution and Solid Waste Management. In this regard, the Center is organizing its First International Conference on Environmental Challenges in Arid Regions to debate scientific and practical research advancements on the topics of the conference, and to provide a platform for interdisciplinary knowledge exchange and dissemination of success stories. The different conference sessions will focus on priority environmental issues of Air Pollution, Water Pollution and Solid Waste Management of concern to the wellbeing of the arid regions communities addressed and discussed by imminent keynote speakers, researchers and environment professionals. It is hoped that this gathering will provide opportunities to discuss collaborative research and capacity building activities between the Center and environment researchers and other research centers at different parts of the world interested in the environmental management of arid regions.

King Abdulaziz University
(Jeddah, Arabia Saudí)