5th Training-course on KARST HYDROGEOLOGY

Mon, 11/06/2012 / Sat, 16/06/2012

HIDROKARST 2012 as the fifth edition of a course taught by researchers Associate Unit "Advanced Hydrogeological Studies" among Group Hydrogeology of the University of Málaga (Ghum) and the Geological and Mining Institute Spain (IGME), on methods applied to the aquifer hydrogeological investigation carbonate (karst).
More Information

Centro de Hidrogeología de la Universidad de Málaga y Departamento de Geología. Facultad de Ciencias. Universidad de Málaga.

  • Persona de contacto: Ana Isabel Marín Guerrero
  • Teléfono: +34 952137227 (+34 952134213)
  • Fax: +34 952132000
  • E-mail: aimarin@uma.es