48 th Edition of the International Course on General and Applied Hydrology

Wed, 01/02/2012 / Fri, 01/06/2012

Water is an economic, environmental, cultural and social welfare
limited by the society that shows a continuing interest. This facet
binds its appearance as adverse event, depending on the
weather conditions and environment, which cause flooding to
articulate defense strategies. Currently, a variety of
technical tools to analyze all the uncertainties
related to resource availability, quality and its relationship to the
environment, with floods and their impact or the derivative
climate change. The treatment of these matters is the objective of the Course
International Hydrology and Applied General organized by the Center
Studies and Experimentation of Public Works, CEDEX, for graduates
and engineering graduates in various fields related to science
The course develops an educational program on the experience of
CEDEX personnel, hydraulics and Administration, in general,
different professionals in the field of theoretical and operational hydrology.
Specifically addressed aspects of hydrometric and
registration information, statistics and information processing
basin, the simulation of hydrological processes, water resources and
planning, legislation and water management, floods and
flood risk, water quality, the water environment, the
hydromorphology and water erosion.
The course serves as a means of disseminating knowledge and experience
CEDEX professional thereby meeting the goals and functions
that statutorily assigned to technology transfer.
The International Course in 2013 held its forty-eighth edition
having held uninterrupted since 1965, when it was
School-funded by the Institute of Hydrology.

Paseo Bajo de la Virgen del Puerto, 3

  • Teléfono: 91 335 7315/7311/7243
  • E-mail: masteres@cedex.es