Numerical modeling course in river hydraulics. The model Iber

Wed, 06/06/2012 / Thu, 07/06/2012

This course will explain the theoretical basis of the depth-averaged two-dimensional models for the calculation of free surface flow in shallow water, with special emphasis on application to hydraulics and river morphology. This displays the skills and fields of application of the Iber, and will practice using the model for calculating fields of drafts, speed, floodplains and sediment transport. Iber is a system of water flow modeling of free surface based on depth-averaged two-dimensional models, which currently consists of three calculation modules coupled together: a hydrodynamic module, a module of turbulence and sediment transport module.

More Information

Instituto Flumen E.T.S. d’Enginyers de Camins, Canals i Ports de Barcelona UPC. Campus Nord. Jordi Girona 1‐3 08034

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