Cost 719. The use of GIS in climatology and meteorology
Lun, 03/07/2006 / Mié, 05/07/2006
Provisional program:
GIS technologies: standards and policies
- Spatial data and metadata
- Interoperability and web based GIS
- Ongoing and future developments (temporal GIS, ADM, WIS)
- Gridding meteorological and climatological information
- Methods and applications
GIS applications
- meteorology
- climatology
- climate - related environment (hydrology, glaciology, air pollution,…)
- forecast and prediction
GIS technologies: standards and policies
- Spatial data and metadata
- Interoperability and web based GIS
- Ongoing and future developments (temporal GIS, ADM, WIS)
- Gridding meteorological and climatological information
- Methods and applications
GIS applications
- meteorology
- climatology
- climate - related environment (hydrology, glaciology, air pollution,…)
- forecast and prediction