1ª Conferencia y Exposición Internacional sobre la tecnología del agua en Ásia Central

1st Central Asian International Water Technology Exhibition & Conference

WaterTech Central Asia

Mar, 16/09/2008 / Jue, 18/09/2008

Throughout the world, the dismal state of water supply in Central Asia has gained notoriety. The famous image of broken down ships beached far from shores of what remains today of the Aral Sea tragically illustrates this situation. Clearly, the imperative of securing and maintaining quality water supplies has become a critical strategic challenge facing Central Asian countries, and particularly Kazakhstan.

In order to address the urgent challenges and necessary solutions for the future of water supply in Central Asia, Kenes Exhibitions has joined with ITECA from Kazakhstan in hosting the Central Asian International Water Technology Exhibition & Conference, the premier event to exchange information about these issues.

WaterTech Central Asia
(Almaty, Kazakhstan)
Olessya Somkina;