12º Taller Internacional de Entrenamiento sobre Hidrología Wadi
Twelfth International Training Workshop on Wadi Hydrology
UNESCO Chair on Wadi Hydrology, jointly with the UNESCO Cairo Office
Dom, 02/08/2009 / Vie, 07/08/2009
The aim of this course is to provide, link and facilitate science and innovation in watershed management in order to enhance and improve sustainable resource management in arid environments. Its overall objective is to provide participants with knowledge and tools using the state of art technique in water resources management in wadi systems. It will also raise their capacity and increase their awareness of natural hydrological process of arid watersheds and wadi systems, resulting in providing best management practices and measures to avoid land degradation and desertification of arid watershed. It will also promote the applications of the IWRM tools in the arid regions.
UNESCO Chair on Wadi Hydrology, jointly with the UNESCO Cairo Office
(Amman, Jordania)
Prof Mohamed Shatanawi