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Project Proposal Guadalquivir Water Plan
[Project Proposal Guadalquivir Water Plan]
With the approval of the Water Act in 1985 began a process of water planning in Spain with two planning figures; Basin Water Plans and the National Hydrological Plan. These Basin Water Plans were prepared by the Water Boards and elevated to the Government for approval by the boards of each Water Basin Organization.
The Guadalquivir Water Plan, effective pending the adoption of the present, approved by Royal Decree 1664/1998, of 24 July. The Hydrological Plan forms a framework which provides an array of water uses in the area of the basin. Under Rule 99 of the Public Water and Water Planning (RAPAPH), the development of the Guadalquivir Water Plan was developed in two stages, first established the guidelines of the plan and in the second phase of writing.
Confederación Hidrográfica del Guadalquivir
Language: Español