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Analysis of the Efficiency of the Market of Rights of Water Uilization in Chile
[Analysis of the Efficiency of the Market of Rights of Water Uilization in Chile]
The water in Chile has become a problem of constant national preoccupation due to its shortage. With the fast increase of the population and the levels of development that has happened in the last years, this shortage has been put of clear manifesto, because the socioeconomic growth generates a significant increase of the demand of the hydric resources, becoming in many cases a limiting factor for the economic growth (Donoso and Figueroa, 1995). To the previous thing, the problems of lack of water have been added, which are the result of the droughts that have affected to the country during the last years.
FAO. Organización para la Alimentación y la Agricultura de las Naciones Unidas
Language: Español
Format: PDF