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Compared analysis of Intensity-Duration-Frecuency curves for 6 pluviograph stations. (Maule Region, Chile)
[Compared analysis of Intensity-Duration-Frecuency curves for 6 pluviograph stations. (Maule Region, Chile)]
This study analyzes Intensity-Duration-Frecuency curves, in the Maule Region, Chile, based in the behavior of 4900 different storms for 6 pluviograph stations, 4 of them in the Central Valley and 2 in the Andes Mountains. These stations are Talca, Pencahue, Melozal, Parral Colorado and Bullileo, located between latitude 35º23’ and 36º17’, and longitude 71º48’ and 71º16’, which had information of 14, 16 and 17 years. The methodology was based of samplings on the respective pluviograph, in order to obtain maximum intensities per year, for 24, 12, 8, 6, 4, 2 and 1 hour intervals. The information was transformed to hourly intensity for and each duration were adjusted Gumbel function, which excellent results goodness of fit. Then, were constructed the IDF curves for the return periods 5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 75 and 100 years. Later, were constructed tables of practical use for the extrapolation of the curves towards zones without pluviograph. So, it is possible to indicate that IDF curves obtained for the stations of the Andes mountains, with respect to the Central Valley stations, are very similar, with the exception of hourly intensity are more higher in Andes mountains. Finally, with results obtained, it is possible to suggest the use of all 6 models, for their utilization and
extrapolation to nearly areas with similar weather.
Universidad de Talca
Language: Español
Format: PDF