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“Anuario de Aforos 2005-2006. Confederaciones Hidrográficas
[“Anuario de Aforos 2005-2006. Confederaciones Hidrográficas]
Gauged Flows Yearbook 2005-2006 is an official publication of the General Directorate for Water (DGA) of the Ministry of the Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs. Through this publication, the DGA carries out its responsibility of general filing and publicising of hydrological data of the Official Network of Gauging Stations (ROEA), and makes them available to users. This Yearbook includes data since the beginning of flow measurement networks updated to the hydrological year 2005-2006 and also presents, together with this document, a digital application that will allow
users to query, select and export data easily.
Centro de Estudios y Experimentación de Obras Públicas (CEDEX)
Language: Español
Format: PDF