RFV Index for the valuation of the shore forest state
[RFV Index for the valuation of the shore forest state]
This paper presents an index (RFV – Riparian Forest EValuation) for the assessment of the ecological condition
of the riparian forest in perennial rivers. The development of the Directive 2000/60/EC requires the utilization of methods for the assessment of the hydromorphological quality of the natural channels. Among others, it includes the condition of the
riparian forest as one of the fundamental components in the determination of the structure of the riverine areas. The RFV index is presented with that aim, and also to improve the existing methodologies for the valorisation of the riparian forests.
Its calculation is based on the assessment of the spatial continuity of the forest (in its three core dimensions – longitudinal,
transversal and vertical) and the temporal continuity of the forest, represented by its natural regeneration, as a guarantee of
its future continuity. This index makes possible the valorisation of the quality and degree of alteration of the riparian forest.
Besides, it helps to determine the management scenarios that are necessary to improve the status of the riparian forest, and to develop processes of restoration of its structure and composition.
Centro de Estudios y Experimentación de Obras Públicas (CEDEX)
Language: Español;
Format: PDF