Júcar Hydrographic Confederation

Júcar Hydrographic Confederation
Avda. Blasco Ibáñez, 48
46010 Valencia
Teléfono: + 34 96 393 88 00
Fax: + 34 963938801


See other Water Plans


Geographical location

The territory of Júcar Confederation is defined in Royal Decree 650/1987. Its area is 42.851 km2

Physiographically is defined as an interior mountainous zone and a coastal zone, which is composed by plains called "Planas". The most important planas are Oropesa-Torreblanca, Castellón-Sagunto, Valencia-La Ribera, Favara-Gandía-Denia.



The mountain of greater importance in the area of ​​Confederation Júcar is called the Iberian, which extends beyond the boundaries of individual areas of management. The Iberian acts as a barrier to the sea front, forcing the moisture-laden clouds mass in contact with sea, to rise to higher atmospheric layers, favoring precipitation events in these regions arises Montana.Although Universal Mounts river Turia and Júcar, principal river of the territorial scope of the CHJ, which in turn gives this body. Likewise, the river Mijares, has its source in the Sierra de Gúdar. These three rivers together provide about one third of the average runoff circulating throughout the territory. In the South and Southwest runs the final leg of the mountains of the Betic system, where the rivers Serpis and Vinalopó. For its part, the coastal plain is an alluvial Neogene platform that extends along the coastal shore, where the soil rich in nutrients supports most of the irrigated agricultural production of the territorial scope of CHJ, and which develops and lives more than 80% of the total existing population. Finally, the area known as La Mancha, located in the western part of the territory between the Iberian and Betic mountain systems described, characterized by a relatively flat surface with an average height of 650 m.

Finally, at the Geomorphological included the formation of lagoons and marshes, wetlands highlighted in number and extent in this territory and geography. In general, both types of zones are defined as extensive floodplain fed by groundwater, and to a lesser extent, by surface water.

The Albufera of Valencia, Pego-Oliva marshes, the Prat de Cabanes-Torreblanca and Salinas de Santa Pola are included in the Ramsar list of wetlands of international importance is to "create and maintain an international network of wetlands which are importance for the conservation of global biological diversity and for sustaining human life through the maintenance of the components, processes and benefits / services of its ecosystems. "Of all these, highlights the Natural Park of La Albufera de Valencia for their uniqueness, and the important role it plays in wetland birds migrating from Europe to Africa. Nature reserve consists of approximately 21,120 hectares that includes not only the lake but also the surrounding areas consist of large areas of rice cultivation, and a row of dunes that protect the coast of the Mediterranean Sea.


The climate described in territory of the Confederation Júcar is a typical Mediterranean climate with warm summers and mild winters. It is situated within the thermo-Mediterranean bioclimatic and meso-Mediterranean ombroclimas dry. The thermal maximum was recorded in July and August, coinciding with the dry season. Average annual temperatures range from 14 to 16.5 º C. The average annual rainfall is 500 mm, however there is large spatial variability with values ​​of 300 mm in the southern regions, while in other areas reached values ​​greater than 750 mm as shown in the figure below.


Also during the months of October and November precipitation events may occur with great intensity and short duration, commonly known as "cold drop". Most of the surface of the Confederate territory is covered by permeable materials, which promote infiltration of surface water from precipitation into underground strata.


Water resources

Júcar Basin is a major claimant for irrigation and water supply, in which the status of available water resources and demands met facts presents a series of differentials, among which we mention the following:

  • The basin as a whole and at present, is characterized by a tight balance between water resources and demands, quantified both in about 3,200 hm3/year, this masks the overall balance deficit situations locally important resource in some systems exploitation and a general limitation to the development of future claims.
  • 50% of available water resources are underground sources, there is also an important direct reuse of treated wastewater.
  • The large storage capacity of the basin, 3,000 hm3, which can be adjusted in an average year in the order of 1,200 hm 3.
  • The agricultural demand is around 80% of total demand, tending the irrigation about 370,000 hectares.
  • The river system has a total length of channels of the first order of approximately 10,200 km., And its main channels Júcar, the Turia, the Mijares, the Serpis and Vinalopó.


Júcar Confederation consists of a number of administrative units and some government bodies. Directly under the President, there are four administrative units:


The Presidency is an unipersonal organ that holds the legal representation of the Organism. His appointment and for the Council of Ministers, on proposal of the Minister of Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs.

  • He is responsible for directing the various organs of the Confederation defining the strategy for achieving the objectives in the management of the Public Water, coordinating the efforts of all units and exercising managerial and executive function within the body.

Chairman's Office:

  • Support to the Presidency.
  • Coordination and monitoring of issues with other units of the Agency.
  • Responsible for the external image and communication.


General Secretariat

The main functions of the General Secretariat, in accordance with Art. 6 of Royal Decree 984/1989 of 28 July, determining the organizational structure under the President of the Water Boards are:

  • The management of matters relating to the functioning of the Governing Board, the Water Council, the Assembly of Members and the exercise of the Secretary of those bodies.
  • The General and the internal system.
  • The management of financial and economic activity, the Agency's internal accounting, empowerment and the paymaster.
  • The handling of personnel matters.
  • The administrative procedures relating to public information, and processing and proposed resolution of appeals and complaints.
  • The administrative procurement, asset management and processing, and motion for a resolution records of expropriation.
  • Supervision and coordination of information in administrative matters.

Finance department:
Entrusted with the financial and economic management of the Agency, with specific functions:

  • Accrual accounting and budget via the "Accounting Information System for Institutional Management" .
  • Accounting.
  • Proposal to the Department of the proposed annual budget.
  • Processing of proposals for budget modifications.
  • Settlement accounts and the annual Budget submission to the General Comptroller of the State Administration (IGAE) through the application REDcoa.
  • Internal control of the records of expenditure.
  • Ownership and management of records management application spending "Sorolla."
  • Deputy Chairperson of the Board of Trade.
  • Qualification of the financial bids of the tenderers.
  • Proposed payment deferrals and splits.
  • Calculation of default interest for or against the Agency.
  • Notification of fees, and certifications found.
  • Liquidation of the granting of Iberdrola in the reservoirs of Benagéber, Loriguilla and Contreras (canon of hydroelectric energy and free premium reserve).
  • Calculation of the productivity increases by increments of troops.
  • Presentation of economic and financial reports to the Court of Auditors, the Department, the General Comptroller of the State Administration, the State Tax Administration Agency, the Board of Directors and Management Team of the Confederation Júcar to National Database of Grants and the National Institute of Statistics.

Legal and Heritage Area:
Its basic functions:

  • Administrative contracting officers and Assistance to Permanent Recruitment.
  • Proposal for resolution of appeals and complaints regarding charges, fees and other charges settled by the Agency.
  • Expropriation and capital adequacy.
  • Asset Management.

 Just as the direction, coordination and monitoring activities.

Area Human Resources and Services:
I) Human resources
Management of human resources issues.

  • Personal and official labor. Status.
  • Prevention of occupational hazards.
  • Training.

 II) Services

  • Computing Service .- Addressing the demands of computing General Secretariat and coordinating the Agency's computer activities.
  • Health Surveillance workers .- Ensure regular monitoring of their health status in light of the risks inherent in the work.
  • Citizen Information Service .- In general, conduct the proceedings in order to establish and improve the overall information systems Júcar Confederation.


Technical direction

The main functions of the Technical Department, according to art. 5 of Royal Decree 984/1989 of July 28, as amended by Royal Decree 281/1994 of 18 February, determining the organizational structure under the President of the Hydrographic Confederations are:

  • The study, drafting the project, management and exploitation of works and exploitation of the Agency-funded or entrusted to this State, the Autonomous Communities, local corporations, other public or private entities or individuals.
  • Technical oversight and approval of projects to be financed with own funds of the Agency.
  • The actions aimed at achieving more rational use of water.
  • The study and proposal of the levies referred to in art. 114 of the current Water Law and the rates and prices relating to tax on water and other goods of public water, except those regulated in the arts. 112 and 113 of that Act
  • Execution of orders desembalsando.
  • The appointment of Directors and Inspectors of the works.

The Technical Director is part of the Assembly and the Governing Board of the Hydrographic Confederation, and the Board of Water in the basin.

Deputy Director:
Basic functions.

  • Coordinate, regulate and direct, along with the Technical Director, the functions of the Areas Zone I, Zone II and cameos in Channels.
  • Project Supervision and inspection of State Water Corporation.
  • Transversal services to all areas of Technical Management.

Specific functions:

  • Supervision and technical proposal for approval of projects to be financed with own funds of the Agency.
  • Project supervision and inspection of State Societies of such prosecution.
  • Cross Services: Environmental Procedures, Applications, Agricultural and Industrial Applications.
  • Proposal for appointment of Directors and Inspectors of the works.

Operationg area
Basic functions:

  • Planification and management of water resources.
  • Exploitation of hydraulic works.
  • Construction, maintenance, and improvement of water infrastructure.
  • Direct, coordinate and draft the documents required by current regulations of dams and canals.

Specific functions:

  • Plan, coordinate and managethe use os water resources.
  • Drafting of projects, studies and reports and execution of works related to water infrastructure regulation and distribution.
  • Coordinate the operation of infrastructure and waterworks.
  • Integrated into the operating systems the tool SAIH hydrological information.
  • Coordinate the preparation and processing of Canons of regulation and water use rates.

The Head of Area Operations assists Exploitation Boards and Commissions desembalsando as Secretary.

Special Projects Area Channels:
Basic functions:

  • To promote, coordinate and direct research projects and water infrastructure competition itself or entrusted to the Confederation Júcar.

Specific functions:

  • Drafting of projects, studies and reports and execution of works related to water infrastructure and spaces connected with them.
  • Administrative actions relating to the processing of cases as appropriate.
  • Priority areas for action: Action on existing channels or formation of new channels, the ability of adapting themselves to the appropriate return periods, including the execution of dams, weirs, fast fixing ridges and other elements of control and regulation to along the channel.

This area is temporarily operating charge in relation to maintenance and repairs (not to flow regulation), Dam Alarcón. This includes the execution of minor works and major repair of the dam.

Zona I Area
Basic functions

  • To promote, coordinate and direct research projects and water infrastructure competition itself or entrusted to the Confederation Júcar.

Specific functions

  • Writing studies, reports and projects related to water infrastructure and spaces connected with them.
  • Administrative actions relating to the processing of cases as appropriate.
  • Actions relating to inspection of works and operations of state companies.

Zona II Area
Basic functions

  • To promote, coordinate and direct research projects and water infrastructure competition itself or entrusted to the Confederation Júcar.

Specific functions:

  • Drafting of projects, studies and reports and execution of works related to water infrastructure and spaces connected with them.
  • Administrative actions relating to the processing of cases as appropriate.
  • Priority areas of action: defense against floods and environmental suitability in public waterways.

In this area depend on management, programming and handling of ERDF funds owned by the Hydrographic Confederation, as well as monitoring and processing of agreements signed with other government, regional or local character.

Technical staff
Basic functions

  • Coordinate with specific areas and services of the Technical implementation of the management criteria established by the Technical Director.

Specific functions

  • Tracking records related to investments managed by the Technical Management.
  • Track records not directly related to investment management, officially instructed, at the request of other units of the CHJ, other governments or others that require a determination by the Technical Director.

Water Station

The main functions of the Commissioner of Water, in accordance with Art. 4 of Royal Decree 984/1989 of 28 July, determining the organizational structure under the President of the Water Boards, are:

  • Proposals for concessions and authorizations relating to waters and public water channels and the establishment of servitude, surveys and modulations.
  • Keeping the Water Register, the Catalogue of private waters and Census wastewater discharge.
  • The motions under the rules of the Public Water Supply Regulations, approved by Royal Decree 849/1986 of 11 April, police in waters and streams.
  • The inspection and monitoring of derivative works concessions and permits for public water.
  • Inspection and surveillance of farms of all uses of public waters, irrespective of their ownership and legal status to which they are received.
  • The processing of applications for the creation of user communities and the approval of its regulations and ordinances, as well as those related to incidents related to these communities.
  • The issues relating to the inland waters, including conducting appraisals and hydrology studies.
  • The study and proposal of the fees referred to by the arts. 104 and 105 of the Water Act.
  • The analysis and control of the quality of inland waters, as well as proposing and monitoring of water quality programs and the agreements referred to in art. 295.4 of the Regulations of the Public Water Supply. The data obtained in the exercise of this function will be reported to health authorities upon request.
  • The direction of childcare river.
  • The works of mere preservation of public waterways.
  • The preparation and monitoring of statistics referred to the Fifth Additional Provision of the Water Act.
  • The statistics on consumption at different water uses.
  • The Water Commissioner is part of the Assembly and the Governing Board of the Hydrographic Confederation, and the Water Board of the basin.

Deputy Commissioner:
Basic functions:

  • Coordinate, regulate and direct, with Commissioner Waters, the functions of the Areas of Water Quality, Environmental Management, Public Water Management, and System Users.
  • Cross-cutting services to the Areas of the Commissioner of Water.
  • Replacement of the Water Commissioner, when required.

Specific functions

  • Oversee the coordination of planning and management of public water to the planning and land management, through the Regional Planning Commissions.
  • Planning and monitoring of Investment Commissioner of Water and Investigation Board in the Bureau of Procurement Agency.
  • Supervision and content validation of the corporate website, in its functional scope.
  • Proposed response to parliamentary questions, and to complain to the European Commission, the Ombudsman, Ombudsman, etc.

Area Water Quality:
Basic functions:

  • Quality control of surface water and groundwater.
  • Authorization and control of discharges of wastewater to public water.

Specific functions:
For quality control, networks are operated water quality:

  • Network of physical-chemical control (ICA).
  • Network of biological control, both in rivers and lakes and wetlands.
  • Network of automatic stations warning (SAICA).
  • Network control of hazardous substances.
  • Network control reservoirs.
  • Network control of groundwater.

For the management of wastewater discharges to water public domain, perform the following functions:

  • Analytical control of discharges, both authorized and the unauthorized.
  • Authorisation of discharges of wastewater to DPH.
  • Proposing the initiation of disciplinary proceedings by discharges affecting water quality.

Dominio Público Hidráulico Management Area
Basic functions

  • Administrative processing of grants.
  • Special procedures.
  • Projects of Dominio Público Hidráulico.
  • Protection of Dominio Público Hidráulico.

Specific functions

  • Affairs and records of groundwater, except for technical studies and reports carried out by the OPH.
  • Concession management of surface water. Deposits of surface water (rivers, ravines, springs, streams ...) for irrigation, industrial supply, hydropower, livestock, aquaculture or recreational uses (golf courses), and reuse water from wastewater treatment plants.
  • Technical support functions (reporting, meeting attendance).
  • Issuance of urban sector reports under art. 25.4 Water Act, art. 19.2 Spatial Planning Act (CCAA).
  • Authorization file processing works in areas of condition (bondage and police) of a public waterway and navigation in reservoirs and rivers in the basin.

Regime Area Members:
Basic functions:

  • Legal support for all areas of the Station, including the Chief Commissioner of Water and Deputy Commissioner of Water.

Specific functions:

  • Relations with judicial bodies: referral cases to the contentious jurisdiction and the economic-administrative, judicial examination of evidence, enforcement of judgments of Commissioner Waters, Commissioner Resolution resources, advocacy of public water, records of reversals, issuing legal reports.

Environmental management area:
Basic functions:

  • Support for the Commissioner of Water in the Preparation, Development, Coordination and Management Programs, Studies, Projects and Works in relation to the Environmental Management of the Public Water and associated areas.

Specific functions:

  • Hydrology (Foronomía, Hydrological Studies and Reports and flood boundaries, etc.).
  • Channels performances (Conservation, Environmental and Social Adaptation, Emergency Repair damage, etc.)..
  • River Restoration, Invasive Species, Environmental volunteering.
  • Authorizations D.P.H. of (Grass, Walking cane, aggregate extraction, cutting trees, crops and beehives).



For the state water plan of the District Júcar click here.

A River Basin Management Plan is a document which provides an ordering of water use in its territory, for a given period. Define the guidelines for applications and uses of the water, setting broad guidelines and priorities to achieve a comprehensive and balanced management of the resource. Sets up uses derived from sectoral planning (urban supply, agriculture, industrial, etc.). To which the Plan is subject and serves, in search of a global balance competing interests module, enter the rational management resources and preserve natural systems. The time horizon of the Plan is twofold: a ten and twenty years, with periodic reviews provided for in terms not exceeding eight years.

1998: The end of a long process

The Plan has led to a complex and time phased process that has lasted more than ten years. It has developed a technical front, global analysis and resource exploration in the basin, relative to other basins and with reference to experiences of other countries. It also has unfolded in an administrative field, public information and participation. The process has required a comprehensive technical analysis of water resources and a major effort of dialogue and consultation among all stakeholders: authorities, users and stakeholders, which in turn are represented in the college water planning, the Water Council Jucar basin.

During the long process has covered a number of stages:

  • Development of Guidelines Plan, approved by the Planning Commission in January 1994 after an intense social debate in the Draft Guidelines avocado drafted in June 1992.
  • Developing the plan, by the River Basin and ministerial departments involved. After various versions made ​​since October 1995, on August 6, 1997 the Basin Water Council gave its assent to the final proposal Basin Water Plan Júcar. The total compliance was achieved by consensus, with no votes against 60 members of the Water Board.
  • Approval of the Plan, after the mandatory report favorable National Water Council of April 27, 1998, by Royal Decree 1664/1998 of 24 July.


The plan aims to get the best satisfaction of water demands and to balance and harmonize regional and sectorial development, increasing the availability of the resource, protecting its quality, saving their jobs and streamlining its uses in harmony with the environment and other natural resources, to avoid or alleviate possible effects caused by extreme hydrological situations.


According to the general purpose framework, the Plan is structured according to the following basic content:

  • Make a reliable inventory of the available water resources in both its surface and groundwater, by integrating their management to achieve a unitary approach.
  • Discusses the uses and existing demands and forecasts about its future from a perspective of responsibility in water use.
  • Sets the priority criteria and compatibility of uses, which determines the order of preference between the various uses.
  • Addresses the allocation and reservation of water for the uses and current and future demands, as well as for conservation and restoration of the natural environment.
  • Determines the basic characteristics of water quality and management of wastewater discharges.
  • It raises the basic rules on improvements and changes in irrigation, to ensure the best use of all available land and water resources.
  • Study the perimeters of protection and measures for the conservation and recovery of the resource and environment affected.
  • Formula Plans forest hydrology and soil conservation, which are to be made ​​by the Administration.
  • Establishes guidelines for the protection and recharge aquifers.
  • Determines the basic infrastructure required by the Plan.
  • Define criteria for evaluating the energy use and setting the conditions required for execution.
  • The criteria for studies, actions and works to prevent and avoid damage due to floods, water floods and other phenomena.


Surface water

The Water Law defines water as a unitary resource. Establishing an identity of nature and function of surface water and groundwater, being, as a whole, subordinate the general interest and in the service of the nation.

The River Basin Management Plan has been drafted Júcar taking into account the different characteristics of both respect for their relationship and interdependence as well as downloads for the sea.

The Plan sets out, in general, coordinated management of surface and groundwater, and enhances the knowledge of the resources through the establishment of control networks, hydrogeological investigation, protection from pollution and overexploitation of groundwater.

The Plan establishes a division of territory in nine Operating Systems:

  • Cenia - Maestrazgo
  • Mijares - Plana de Castellón
  • Palancia - Los Valles
  • Turia
  • Júcar
  • Serpis
  • Marina Alta
  • Marina Baja
  • Vinalopó - Alacantí

The determination of water resources, integrating surface and groundwater, is done by restoring the natural regime gauging data or asking if the corresponding hydrological balances.


Following the guidelines set by the Water Act Plan aims, among other objectives, rationalize water use in harmony with the environment and other natural resources, for it incorporates a set of environmental standards.

Water quality

The control and the fight against water pollution is one of the biggest challenges for those responsible for environmental, health and water policy Júcar Basin. The Plan aims to improve the quality of water in the basin, so you have established quality requirements in terms of applications, setting quality objectives for rivers in the basin, open water bodies, drinking water catchments , groundwater and sensitive areas, to ensure that compliance will provide a suitable environment. Point out the guidelines to follow on purification and waste and the criteria to adopt in different performances. Define the planned reuse of effluent and adopts the rules of existing discharges, indicating actions in emergencies and uncontrolled disposal. Raises a number of key actions to control water quality, including improved network operation Integrated Water Quality (ICA), the expansion of existing control networks, updating the inventory of discharges and the progressive implementation of quality models. It also establishes general rules for management of discharges.

Environmental flows

The River Basin Management Plan Júcar expected allocation of resources to ensure the needs of the environment and the circulating flows have secured a minimum environmental recovery. Provides that the establishment of minimum environmental flows is performed individually for each section of channel in order to identify demand in each season, marking the objective of maintaining the current dynamics of ecosystems and their restoration.

Perimeter protection. The conservation and recovery of the resource and its environment

The Plan includes the relationship of wetlands and river reaches of environmental concern in the basin, establishing preventive measures to ensure their conservation. Determines priorities and criteria for delineating protection zones in the wetlands, lakes and major gaps, showing the list of special areas to be protected. Power maintenance or recovery of those areas or river sections of environmental interest that do not have kind of protection. Assume protected natural areas declared by the Autonomous Communities. River Gorges Cabnel A includes the possibility of requesting, in agreement with the Environmental Authority, environmental impact studies prior to the projects or works that are designed and affect protected areas. Set perimeters defining priority criteria for groundwater protection.

Soil conservation and management plans, forest

The Plan, within its territory, takes on the forest management plans and conservation of soils in the different public administrations with responsibility for Forestry and Water Planning for Soil Conservation. Includes performing work Hidrotecnia, improved vegetation cover and the preservation of agricultural soils, and steps to carry out. Adopt expected, this subject is, by the competent authorities, focusing specifically on the conditions that can cause these plans to the water environment and infrastructure. The various programs and actions to be taken will be made jointly and in coordination with the regions concerned, according to the existing distribution of powers.


Protection against floods

The Plan pays more attention to the phenomenon of flooding floods. Proposes, as lines of action for the protection against floods a better understanding of the affected areas, the hydrologic-hydraulic phenomena and definition and assessment of the performances of forecasting, prevention and correction.

Define an inventory of flood zones and general management criteria of these to be developed by all the competent authorities.

Action considered basic studies aimed at the adequacy of existing dams to current Technical Regulations on Safety of Dams and Reservoirs, as well as the Basic Guideline of Civil Protection Planning at the risk of flooding.

Available for predicting, monitoring and flood control, the Automatic Hydrological Information System (SAIH).

Combating drought

The plan faces hydrological drought conditions defining a set of standards for emergency situations, primarily in terms of available resources for each request.

The objective of protection is to reduce the frequency and intensity of the situations in which demand can not be met and to minimize the adverse effects linked to situations of extreme scarcity of resources in operating systems.

Determines two lines:

  • Commissioning of the basic infrastructure of the Plan, both general (increase in system resources) and specific to be activated in times of drought.
  • Definition of rules for managing systems of resource exploitation in situations of drought


Uses and demands

The Plan devotes much attention to studying the resources available, rigorously analyzing the efficiency of current uses.

Analyze the different water uses and demands, studying how to meet them at the present time and in the future. Contemplated in the environmental constraints and related to the improvement of the aquifers. Determine the allocations to be used, sets minimum efficiency levels and highlights possible actions to improve efficiency to achieve a saving of resources.

The purpose of the Plan is to make a sustainable use of water, trought an active and voluntary strategy with the aim of regulate the water consumption.

Establishing criteria for security of supply to reduce vulnerability and increase security against hydrological irregularity or incident of any kind.

As agricultural demand in the basin is about 80% of the total, with 2284 annual hm3 370,000 hectares of irrigation, the Plan sets out maximum amounts of irrigation for different areas as well as the adequacy of irrigation systems, to achieve a minimum overall efficiency set at 50, 70 and 80% depending on the irrigation is done by gravity sprinkler or localized.

With respect to the Plan calls for urban water supply intended for him, the best quality resources and that protect its quality, ensure better supply.

Environmental flows are set to ensure the maintenance and restoration of ecosystems and promotes the hydroelectric source of clean and renewable energy.


The Plan states, in accordance with the provisions of the Water Act 1985, a priority of uses:

  1.      Supply to towns
  2.      Agricultural
  3.      Hydroelectric
  4.      Cooling energy
  5.      Industrial, for other than the two previous
  6.      Aquaculture
  7.      Recreational
  8.      Other uses not classified

The Plan considers the maintenance of environmental flows and flows necessary for the preservation of wetlands and their protection from seawater intrusion, as a restriction on water availability.

Fixed order of preference of the uses within the priority uses, placing first those of most public utility or general (eg public supply Consortium, Associations, etc.), Followed by introducing technical improvements that create lower consumption of water and causing a minor negative environmental condition. all available resources, the development of community projects and cooperative nature, regulation of groundwater resources and the preservation of its quality, the substitution in the supply of stocks, groundwater quality problems for others of better quality or by surface, all framed within a policy of saving water, improving the quality of resources and recovery of environmental values.


The resource pool is defined as the corresponding appropriations established in anticipation of the demands that corresponds to address specific waterworks, whose work is the responsibility of the Public Administration, the State or the Autonomous Communities, or utility purposes public.

The allocation and reservation of resources is set to the horizons of the Plan, ten and twenty years, and for each of the nine operating systems on which the basin structure.

For certain demands are not adequately met with available resources in the territory, the Plan expressly requires the provision of resources and source characteristics are determined by the National Hydrological Plan.

In particular, given its complexity, as determined by their special characteristics, collect assignments and resource stocks in the Júcar operating system, contained in Article 32 of the Rules of this Plan.

Operating system Júcar

Basic criteria

Consolidation of existing uses in the following order of priority:

  • Supply.
  • Traditional irrigation Ribera del Jucar.
  • Irrigation of Eastern Mancha aquifer and canal irrigation area Jucar Turia.
  • Compensation, where appropriate, to affected hydroelectric concessions.
  • Mobilization of environmental flows.
  • Overexploitation of aquifers and supply gap in the systems of Vinalopó-Alacantí and Marina Baja.
  • Reservations for future demands, current resource and generated savings or new infrastructure.


  • 725 hm3/year for traditional irrigation Ribera del Jucar.
  • 40 hm3/year in head and middle reaches of the River Júcar.
  • 95 hm3/year for canal irrigation area Jucar Turia.
  • Irrigation of Eastern Mancha aquifer.
    • 320 hm3/year of groundwater resources.
    • 80 hm3/year of surface resources for replacement of underground resources
    • Compliance Plan of Operation.
      • Compulsory integration of users in a single community.
      • New withdrawals may not be authorized after January 1, 1997.


  • 3 m3 / s completing the current 3 m3 / s for the supply of Valencia.
  • 1 m3 / s for the supply of Sagunto.
  • 1 m3 / s for the supply of Albacete.
  • Up to 25 hm3/year for new irrigation supply and maintenance population in Cuenca.
  • Up to 65 hm3/year for consolidation and potential new irrigation in Castilla-La Mancha (Royal Decree 950/1989).
  • Up to 80 hm3/year to alleviate overfishing and the lack of supply on the Costa Blanca, Costa Blanca and Marina Baja, being necessary to establish operating standards.
  • Consolidated foregoing, the State reserves the new resources generated by upgrading and modernization of irrigation is distributed as follows:
    • Up to 120 hm3/year to redotación and further changes in Castilla-La Mancha.
    • Up to 120 hm3/year for the correction of water deficit in Valencia in the first place in the canal irrigation area Júcar-Turia and the rest in the system-Alacantí Vinalopó.


The River Basin Management Plan Júcar, considering the schedules of different sectors requiring water enters into a wide range of rules intended to ensure better utilization of the resource in the major uses and uses.

Develop basic standards for irrigation improvements and changes on anergéticos exploitation and protection of aquifer recharge and, definiedo guidelines on concessions and review.

With regard to irrigation and agricultural uses, the Plan seeks to meet all potential claims included in the National Irrigation Plan or promoted by the competent bodies of the Autonomous Communities, with preference given to the improvement and consolidation of existing irrigated areas and specifying susceptible to transformation in irrigation within the horizons of Plan.

Notes the requirements to meet the feasibility studies of new irrigation systems, sets the criteria for selection of transformations (for example, that exists or is on its way to become a community of irrigators) determines the information systems should incorporate irrigation and drainage networks and specifies the need for improvements or renovations to provide an environmental assessment.

Identifies areas for priority action for the reuse of wastewater taking into account the degree of exploitation of resources, water needs for irrigation, improving the quality of groundwater, the fight against intrusion and other acceptable uses .

Establishes the sanitary conditions and treatments required for the reuse of treated wastewater in recreatwos or agricultural use and should its application be the subject of a comprehensive monitoring and control.

With regard to energy use, the Plan establishes the evaluation criteria and constraints to implementation of such uses. Incorporates automatically the first horizon, the plants in question in a concrete and expressed by the National Energy Plan.

Identifies potential new uses and considers the environmental conditions required of hydraulic infrastructures.

It sets standards for the operation of the hydrogeological units, study the overexploited aquifers and define the perimeters of protection, extending them to supply catchments and areas of special ecological, scenic, cultural or economic.

Includes possible actions related to artificial recharge.

Determines that each award will adequately justify the water needs, the required annual flow and its modulation during the year, in addition to the economic viability of harvesting.


As a result of the objectives to meet the basin's hydraulic system, the Plan defines a series of basic infrastructure, classifying them according to their type:

  • Correction of water deficit
  • Drainage and water treatment
  • Defense against floods
  • Improvement, modernization and maintenance of infrastructures
  • Environmental protection
  • New transformations of irrigation
  • Hydroelectric equipment state infrastructure

The Plan also contemplates the realization of a series of studies and complementary actions structured in the following programs:

  • Public Water Management and maintenance of hydraulic heritage
  • Correction of water deficit
  • Water quality
  • Environment
  • Defense against floods
  • Improvement and development of harvesting
  • Maintenance and replacement of public water infrastructure
  • Preferred Studies Research and Development


The Automatic Hydrological Information System (AHIS), implanted in the basin responds to the need to rationalize and streamline, improve resource use quantitative processes operating on three fundamental objectives:

  • Report automatically providing real time data on climatic, hydrologic and hydraulic infrastructure status of the basin.
  • Prevent short-term changes in levels and flows in rivers and reservoirs, automatically alerting in case of flood risk.
  • The integrated management of the exploitation of reservoirs and pipelines and canals of the basin through the instant knowledge of the availability of water resources.
  • To meet these objectives is provided a network and remote trelemedida that transmits and processes all captured variables.

148 points up this network of control or remote stations and an operational focus.

Similarly, but focusing on quality aspects of water resources, there is an Automatic Information Water Quality (SAICA), consisting of automatic stations strategically located river points suitable for continuous monitoring of the water.

These stations provide real time information, making the continuous measurement of different parameters of water quality, having analyzers, facilities, auxiliary equipment and systems for remote data acquisition and advanced technology.


The Water Act determines that management plans are public and binding, subject to periodic updating and revision justified.

The River Basin Management Plan Júcar Instrument is conceived as a dynamic and flexible, reasonable and open to a continuing process of reformulation of the studies, analysis and contributions that arise during its development.

The Basin Water Council, the college planning of the Confederacy, is chaired by the President of the Agency itself and has representatives from the Central State Administration, Autonomous Regions, users and technical services of the Agency.

The Basin Water Council may agree to review when deviations are observed in the data, assumptions or results of the plan so dictate. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Environment may order an action reviewer.

In any case, the Act provides that conducted a comprehensive review and periodic Plan, eight years after their adoption.

The Basin Water Council will be responsible for raising the Ministry of Environment reviews the plan, for it has to have technical support from the Office of Water Planning Júcar Confederation.

The Confederation Júcar must track the Plan, reporting on its development, with intervals not exceeding one year, the Board of Directors at Basin Water Council and the Ministry of Environment.

Follow-up will receive special aspects of the Plan concerning:

  • variation of resources availability
  • the occurrence of unforeseen circumstances make it impossible to carry out certain essential works
  • changing the funding system so that it is not possible to meet the objectives
  • the incorporation of changes resulting from the approval of the National Hydrological Plan statement exploitation of an aquifer or its risk of being

The Plan provides that in the planning process, there is an active presence of all agents involved in the management of the River Basin under a participation, such as the Assembly of Members, Private Boards and Commissions desembalsando .

Seeks to enhance sustainable development and spatial planning in the basin, but also to promote among all citizens a greater awareness and environmental assessment, landscape and recreational resource and about the environment.


It is anticipated that the River Basin Management Plan Júcar, when executed step by step, with the necessary consensus in society, expressed through the Water Board, provide a number of benefits:

Catering to all populations of the basin with water quality, with the necessary assurance to allow social and economic development.

Better water management by increasing efficiencies in their use and improving the Basin Agency in its operational and administrative side.

Decisive impetus to the productive activities, wealth creation and generation of stable employment in the whole area of ​​the basin, and supply control interventions tailored to the principles of the new water culture.

Preservation and restoration of aquatic ecosystems.

Significant strengthening of environmental aspects in all the statements and actions of the Agency (the establishment of environmental flows in rivers, pollution of water, maintenance and protection of riparian areas, etc.)..

Minimization of conditions caused by the dams, with plans to land restitution.

More agile and decentralized settings Agency, faithful to its principle of subsidiarity.

Social and political consensus regarding the so-called "water wars" through transparency in the allocation of available water resources generated by actions to improve efficiency and reuse of treated wastewater.


Water is a natural element essential to life. It is one of the assets that make it unique to our planet.

The life emerged from the water continues to rely on it.

It forms a very important part of living beings is essential for metabolism and a key component of the diet.

Water is necessary for most productive activities; for agricultural crops, livestock, industry, power generation, personal health, sanitation and beautification of our cities.

Courses and water bodies, rivers and lakes, are creators of landscapes, ecosystems support a cause for human settlements, backbones of territories, etc..

Water is a guarantee for freedom and independence of peoples and men. Expression of history and tradition, generating cultural identity and key to our future.

It is a symbol of prosperity and quality of life expression.

Water is public domain.

A rich heritage which must be protected and defended by an efficient and solidarity that respects the common good and to enable a future for the inhabitants of the territory of the basin. The best legacy for future generations.